Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Electric Poles Knocked Over in East Tucson, AZ

Electric Poles Knocked Over in East Tucson, AZ
Posted By: Crescent Security
Posted: Sat Jul 26 2008

The wind and rain hit a street on Tucsons south east side one night in July 2008. Many electric poles were broken and dropped ...Click Here for full article

The wind and rain hit a street on Tucsons south east side one night in July 2008. Many electric poles were broken and dropped their power lines onto the houses and sidewalks below. We went out the next morning to take these photos of the aftermath. All different types of crane and lifts and work crews were working on most of the power poles all at the same time. Various cranes and lifts were there to do different jobs like holding damaged power poles off homes and lifting electric company crew to heights to make repairs

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